Breakpoints sizes
We have the following breakpoints:
: breakpoint for small smartphone devices (from 0px to 575px).sm
: breakpoint for big smartphone devices (from 576px to 767px).md
: breakpoint for tablet devices (from 768px to 1023px).lg
: breakpoint for small screens (from 1024px to 1439px).xl
: breakpoint for big screens (from 1440px onwards).
Responsive mixin
We have also a mobile-first responsive mixin for easy to use media queries, meaning it will apply in the selected breakpoint and above (bigger breakpoints).
// all
@include media(xs) {
property: value;
// sm and above
@include media(sm) {
property: value;
// md and above
@include media(md) {
property: value;
// lg and above
@include media(lg) {
property: value;
// xl
@include media(xl) {
property: value;